Jack and Meg White sued the Republican presidential nominee in New York on Monday for “flagrant misappropriation” of their work to improve his public image and raise money for his campaign.
The complaint is the latest copyright matter to beset Trump's presidential campaign, raising questions about digital copyright adjudication.
Copyright lawyers think the cases could change political campaign use of popular music.
Since they “vehemently oppose the policies adopted and actions taken by Defendant Trump” and demand specific damages, the Whites said the alleged infringement was even more hurtful to them.
A Trump 2024 campaign official had no comment on the matter at hand early Tuesday and declined a respond to an emailed request for comment.
The lawsuit alleges that Trump, through his campaign team, and his Communications Deputy....
..Margo Martin, shared a video of Trump leaving on a campaign trip to Michigan and Wisconsin and with the instrumental of ‘Seven Nation Army’ playing on in the background.
That footage allegedly was synced with the “Seven Nation Army” riff by the defendants, and thus the lawsuit for it.