$22 Million Treasures Five Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Still Circulating

This is something all coin collectors dream of recovering a rare valuable and valuable coin in normal circulation. The highest-valued statehood group should end with a Bicentennial 1/4, and because of the improved gem-like position many more in flow (calls worth themselves to tell you about) – $22 million. So this article is all about … Read more

Discover the $4 Million Rare Dime Still in Circulation

The field of numismatics, the study or gathering of coins, sometimes exposes amazing and priceless relics. Two remarkable discoveries—a $4 million rare penny and a unique Bicentennial quarter—have lately attracted most attention among coin enthusiasts. Surprisingly, these rare coins are still in use and inspire both collectors’ and public’s treasure quest. The $4 Million Dime … Read more