7 Great Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach!

7 Great Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach!

7 Great Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach! Not into exercise yet want to lose tummy fat? No worries! These 7 home exercises can help you shed abdominal fat. These indoor exercises burn calories and fat by targeting major muscle groups, including the abdominals, without spot reduction.

1. Plank

1. Plank

The plank works the abs, back, and shoulders. Regularly firing up your core muscles helps you lose weight, even belly fat. Plank by starting in a push-up with your forearms on the ground and your body straight from head to heels. Maintain a strong core and avoid hip sagging or rising. Hold this position for 20–60 seconds and release. Images courtesy.

2. Bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches

This great workout works the rectus abdominis and obliques, working the entire core. Bicycle crunches burn abdomen fat when done constantly. Start lying on your back with your hands behind your head and legs lifted 90 degrees. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and extend your right leg. Controlled alternate-sided pedaling. Repeat 15–20 times per side. Images courtesy.

3. Mountain climbers

3. Mountain climbers

This intense workout targets your core and raises your heart rate. It burns calories and boosts cardio. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders when you push up. Draw your right knee to your chest quickly, then switch legs and sprint with your left knee front and right leg back. Alternate legs for 30–60 seconds. Images courtesy.

4. Russian twists

4. Russian twists

Obliques and posture are improved by this exercise. Twisting strengthens the core and increases flexibility, toning the waistline. For this exercise, sit on the floor with your legs bent and lean back slightly while keeping your back straight. Hold hands or grip a weight for resistance. Keep your core engaged as you twist your torso right and left. Repeat 15–20 times per side. Images courtesy.

5. Leg raises

5. Leg raises

Leg raises target lower abdominal muscles and strengthens legs for a flat tummy. It also increases hip flexor flexibility, reducing the chance of injury during other workouts. Lay flat on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides or under your glutes for this exercise. Keep your legs straight and lift them to the ceiling, then slowly lower them without touching the floor. Try 10–15 reps. Images courtesy.

6. Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks

This cardio workout burns calories and eliminates tummy fat. They train various muscle groups for a full-body workout. They boost energy and mood by releasing endorphins. Jump up with your legs apart and arms high, then return to the start. Keep going for 30–60 seconds. Images courtesy.

7. Burpees


Burpees are a tough full-body strength-and-cardio workout. They burn calories and boost fitness. Starting in a standing position, crouch and place your hands on the ground to do a burpee. Jump your feet back into a push-up stance, push up, then jump back to your hands and jump explosively. Aim for 8-12 reps. Images courtesy.


The best way I have learned to flatten my stomach is through exercising. The 7 effective exercises above can help you get rid of belly fat and improve your overall health. These exercises should be done regularly in order to begin the process in transforming your body. Do not forget that diet and sleep will also help you get to those goals as well. These workouts should be started right now to be able to attain that flat stomach look.

FAQs On 7 Great Exercises That Will Flatten Your Stomach!

Q. What are the best ab exercises?

A. For this bonus tip, I suggest planks, bicycle crunches, leg lifts, mountain climbers, Russian twists, flutter kicks, as well as burpees.

Q. Should these workouts be done frequently?

A. To get the optimum benefits, perform these exercises 3-4 days a week, and build in rest days.

Q. Another question coming in our inbox frequently is, is it possible for me to flatten my stomach without dieting?

A. Adding more abdominal exercises into the workout routine also enhances a healthy diet effect.

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