10 Valuable Kennedy Half Dollar Coins Every Collector Should Know

10 Valuable Kennedy Half Dollar Coins

The Kennedy Half Dollar coin holds special significance for many collectors. Whether it is the coin’s nostalgic origins or the fact that this currency is rarely found in pockets these days, the search for variations of it has become quite popular in recent years. In this article, I will give you a quick glimpse of the 10 Valuable Kennedy Half Dollar Coins and the prices they have fetched at recent auctions.

10. 1974 D Double Die Obverse Half Dollar

In 10th place is a coin that should be quite familiar to collectors, the 1974 D Double Die Obverse Half Dollar. This is one of the most recognizable coins of the Kennedy series, which can be found in pockets as well as in Denver Mint sets. This type of coin has the best impression of the word “Trust” in the words “In God We Trust”. In 2016, the top-graded coin of this type was sold at auction for a price of $1,528.

9. 1967 Quintuple Die Obverse Half Dollar

In 9th place is another interesting coin, the 1967 Quintuple Die Obverse Half Dollar. This coin has been doubled five times, and some numismatists believe it was doubled six times. The effect can be best seen on Kennedy’s crown of hair, on the letters “LIBERTY”, and on the “S” and “T” of “TRUST”. This coin is found exclusively in special mint sets from 1967. In 2017, this type of coin was sold at auction for a price of $2,585.

8. 1964 D/D Kennedy Half Dollar

In 8th place is the 1964 D/D Kennedy Half Dollar. This coin features a very dramatically reprinted mint mark, which is easily seen. The doubling effect in this coin is very evident on the “D”. In 2016, this type of coin was sold at auction for a price of $1,762.50.

7. 1966 “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar

In 7th place is the 1966 “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar. This coin is found in special mint sets and has the letters “FG” completely missing. This coin was sold at auction in 2016 for a price of $2,820.

6. 1972 D “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar

In 6th place is the 1972 D “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar. This coin also has the letters “FG” missing, and other details are blurred as well. This coin was sold at auction in 2016 for a price of $2,485.

5. 1992 S Silver Proof Double Die Obverse Half Dollar

In 5th place is the 1992 S Silver Proof Double Die Obverse Half Dollar. This coin shows a doubling effect in most parts of its design. This coin is very rare and was sold in 2016 at a price of $2,585.

4. 1982 “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar

In 4th place is the 1982 “No FG” Kennedy Half Dollar. This coin is famous for its special type and was sold in 2016 at a price of $2,820.

3. 1964 Double Die Reverse Kennedy Half Dollar

In 3rd place is the 1964 Double Die Reverse Kennedy Half Dollar. The doubling effect can be seen in the letters “United States of America” ​​on the reverse side of this coin. In 2015, this type of coin was sold at auction at a price of $2,585.

2. 1977 D Silver Kennedy Half Dollar

In 2nd place is the 1977 D Silver Kennedy Half Dollar. This coin was mistakenly printed on a silver planchet. In 2018, this type of coin was sold at a price of $6,600.

1. 1964 Accented Hair Kennedy Half Dollar

Above all, is the 1964 Accented Hair Kennedy Half Dollar. The design of this coin was slightly modified at the request of President Kennedy’s widow Jacqueline. This coin has become very popular, especially in Proof 68 and higher grades. In 2017, this type of coin was sold at a price of $19,975.


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Nick is a tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. His articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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